Johns Hopkins Irb Reliance Agreement

Johns Hopkins IRB Reliance Agreement: What You Need to Know

The Johns Hopkins Institutional Review Board (IRB) is responsible for overseeing research involving human subjects at the university. In order to ensure that research is conducted in an ethical and safe manner, the IRB has established a reliance agreement with other institutions that conduct research.

What is an IRB Reliance Agreement?

An IRB reliance agreement is a formal agreement between two or more institutions that allows them to rely on each other`s IRB for review and approval of research protocols. This is referred to as „IRB reliance.“

Why is a Reliance Agreement Important?

IRB reliance agreements are important because they help to streamline the review process and reduce the burden on individual IRBs. They also help to ensure that research is conducted in a consistent and ethical manner, regardless of where it is being conducted.

How does the Johns Hopkins IRB Reliance Agreement Work?

The Johns Hopkins IRB has established a reliance agreement with other institutions in order to facilitate collaborative research efforts. Under this agreement, researchers at collaborating institutions may request that their research protocols be reviewed by the Johns Hopkins IRB, rather than their own institutional IRB. The Johns Hopkins IRB will then conduct a review of the protocol and provide a determination as to whether it is approved or requires modification.

Who is Eligible for IRB Reliance?

Any institution that has an approved IRB is eligible to participate in IRB reliance. However, the institution must enter into a formal agreement with the Johns Hopkins IRB in order to participate.

How Do You Request an IRB Reliance Review?

If you are a researcher at a collaborating institution and wish to request an IRB reliance review from the Johns Hopkins IRB, you must contact the Johns Hopkins Office of Human Subjects Research (OHSR). The OHSR will provide you with the necessary forms and instructions for submitting your request.


The Johns Hopkins IRB Reliance Agreement is an important tool for researchers conducting collaborative research with other institutions. By streamlining the review process and ensuring ethical and consistent research practices, IRB reliance agreements are essential to the advancement of scientific research. If you are a researcher at a collaborating institution, be sure to familiarize yourself with the IRB reliance process and the requirements for requesting a review from the Johns Hopkins IRB.